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Re: adobe flash player in iceweasel does not work anymore in jessie

On Wednesday 09 September 2015 14:56:54 Brian wrote:
> I've just did a completely new installation of flashplugin-nonfree on a
> machine which had never seen it. Your eternally turning white circle is
> what I get. My feeling is that this has something to do with protected
> video on 4od.

Bingo!  Of course.  That is exactly it.  But since it sometimes works, I am 
persevering in trying to get it working.  Channel 4 say that it sometimes 
works on Linux!!  If I can find out *why* it sometimes works and sometimes 
doesn't, I could be home and dry.

The second two are what almost everyone else I know gets.  Jimmy's suggestion 
and its working on my desktop was a revelation.


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