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Re: make system boot straight to browser connection

Joel Rees wrote:
On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 5:29 PM, Richard Owlett <rowlett@cloud85.net> wrote:
Richard Owlett wrote:


How to do an autologin? In a DE independent way?

gave no relevant links.

A Google search gave only decade old or DE related links.

I currently use Mate, but exploring other desktops(avoiding Gnome
I'd like something similar to autoexec.bat from DOS/CPM days.

I received two suggestions, neither suitable:
r>> 1. nodm was recommended by the ??? who has publicly stated that he ignores
      how I phrase my questions.


Brian is just trying to tell you you are asking the wrong questions!

ROFL! ;/
In https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2015/09/msg00423.html
Brian wrote:
I wrote:
I explicitly tried to eliminate GUI and GUI-like responses by subject line.
I explicitly ignored the effort. :)

How much EASIER it would be if you would only give in to the
inevitable coming standardization on systemd.

You have jumped to confusion. I have yet to decide. The only thing I will say definitely is that I have yet to be pointed to something written *by systemd developers* directed to *end users* saying what benefit the _end user_ gains.

My current Linux machine has Debian 8.0 with Mate DE and maximum use of defaults:
  no printer drivers as no printer
  no networking as no network (local OR internet) physically present
I skipped Wheezy for two reasons:
  Gnome3 default UI was unusable
  systemd was/is terra igcognita.
I tried Jessie as:
Mate was available as standard choice [I don't wish to consider backports]
  systemd dust seemed to be settling

   2. runit was also suggested. I chased down a series of links but didn't see
      how to apply it to my preferences.

Brian is right about one thing, the various DEs are not unified on
this particular point.  Whether we should accept his implicit
assertion that systemd will (ultimately) unify the DEs (and servers
and IoT devices) on all things technical, well, I won't touch that

Prior to my post I had done a web search for "autologin". I did another with
[I assume] slightly different criteria. I suspect "DE independence" may not
be achievable.

Well, not exactly. Consider the differences between Android 4 and
Android 5 on this exact point.[snip]

I've no relevant Android experience.

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