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Re: vivaldi?

On Sunday 03 January 2016 15:43:51 David Christensen wrote:

> On 01/03/2016 07:02 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Trying to find a web browser that actually works here.  iceweasel
> > has been so emasculated that it asks about flash everytime, bringing
> > up a requester that has a button labeled "allow and remember", but
> > it doesn't remember, you have to do it for every flash presented. 
> > Half of the time you click on it, the site has timed out, so you hit
> > reload hoping you can click the ok quick enough to make it work THIS
> > time. Usually it doesn't, so you never get to read or see that
> > story.
> >
> > And some news sites stories links are totally ignored, and some get
> > a "request entity to large" whatever the heck that is.
> On 01/03/2016 09:38 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
>  > Version 37.0.2062.120 Built on Debian 7.6, running on Debian 7.9
>  > (281580)
> I am loath to install software by circumventing the Apt package system
> -- doing so has destabilized my systems more times than I can count.
> For me, the path of least resistance is Debian stable with minimal
> customization.
> Regarding IceWeasel on Wheezy, the default installation didn't seem to
> include support for Flash.  My guess is that the warning messages come
> from a JavaScript library (on the web server, or other Internet
> server) that detects the absence of an add-on to deal with the
> relevant MIME type.  Installing the following Debian package makes the
> warnings go away and allows me to watch videos on YouTube:
>      browser-plugin-gnash
This has been installed for quite some time, several months.
> David

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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