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Re: avidemux

On 1/9/16, Cindy-Sue Causey <butterflybytes@gmail.com> wrote:
> It sounded familiar so *after* writing up a comment that I thought it
> wasn't Debian.org specific, I *cough-cough* hit up a search engine.
> Front and center on front page search returns was THIS page:
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMultimedia/FAQ#There_is_.27Debian_Multimedia_Maintainers.27_and_.27deb-multimedia.org.27._So_what.27s_the_difference.3F
> My first recollections of debian-multimedia are from having found as a
> default repository in a sources.list file for an unrelated HEAVY
> multimedia packed distribution...

Had to *smack my head* again. One verification step I could have
offered in my first email is:


Nope, not proper per the site's design BUT is *cognitively friendly*
(easier to remember) AND (I accidentally once discovered it) very
generously then corrects the user by redirecting to:


For avidemux within Debian (dot org), that page advises:

"You have searched for packages that names contain avidemux in all
suites, all sections, and all architectures.

Sorry, your search gave no results"

Cindy :)

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* still.... hm. :( *

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