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Re: gschem only partially works

On Saturday 09 January 2016 21:42:17 Gene Heskett wrote:

> On Saturday 09 January 2016 19:39:27 Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > On Sunday 10 January 2016 00:24:29 Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > I can see all that in synaptic to prove its there, and mc agree's,
> > > but its in html and iceweasel has lost the ability to open a file
> > > on a local filesystem.  No clue why as there sure should not be an
> > > ssl problem on a local direct access disk.
> > >
> > > So unless I see an iceweasel update in the next day or 2, I will
> > > be actively searching for a browser that Just Works(TM).
> >
> > You are using TDE.  Why on earth aren't you using Konqueror for this
> > sort of thing??  Easiest route:
> >
> > Do:
> > alt-F2
> >
> > type in resultant window:
> > /home/gene
> > or whatever you call your home directory, or route to wherever the
> > file you want is
> >
> > navigate to file you want and open it.
> >
> > Lisi
> Konquerer and I have never made friends, Lisi, but if it works, I'll
> try to apologize to it. But I don't have to, it just refused to open
> gedadocs.html in the /usr/share/doc/geda/ directory.  Despite being
> set as the default browser, it handed it over to iceweasel, and
> iceweasel of course claimed the file did not exist.
> Does it open that file on your system?
> Actually I did get it to open that file when used as an argument from
> a console window, in the local wiki, but its a one page file that
> points at www.gpleda.org, a site that apparently does not exist or the
> iceweasel cannot find.  But the site CAN be pinged.  A new ssl
> problem?

And a PS; konqueror CAN goto that site when its given that sites address 
as $var1 from a cli.  However, trying to follow a link on that site is 
handed off to iceweasel, despite konqueror being set as the default 
browser, and iceweasel is busted.  And I believe its busted because of 
the game of musical chairs being played with the libssl right now.

So why does it hand the links off to iceweasel in the first place?  It is 
NOT the default browser at the moment.  

> The lack of being able to access the docs for all these tools is, to
> put it bluntly, damned frustrating. So to hell with it, I'll make the
> 60 mile round trip to my nearest radio shack tomorrow and get some of
> their project boards as I can build 2 each of these circuits on a 2x2"
> project board.
> In the meantime, somewhere in this daily updating of libssl and
> friends, maybe, if they switch chews and hold their mouth just right,
> a browser, any browser, might actually work again.  But I don't
> recommend either of us hold our breath until that happens.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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