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virt-clone changes the file format from qcow to raw

Hi all!

I wonder if someone is experiencing the following behavior that I think
is a bug in virt-clone.

When I clone a virtual machine with a qcow disk, the cloned machine
changes its disk to raw format.

However, the XML configuration file for the cloned machine indicates a
qcow type. Due to this inconsistency, a failure occurs when start the
cloned virtual machine since Libvirt expect to find a qcow disk, but it
is a raw disk.

Sequence of steps to reproduce the problem:

# virt-clone --original example --name clone1 --file

ss01:/var/lib/libvirt/images# file example.qcow2
example.qcow2: QEMU QCOW Image (v3), 2147483648 bytes

ss01:/space/images# file clone1.qcow
clone1.qcow: DOS/MBR boot sector

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

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