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Re: can't reboot

On Tue, 2016-11-08 at 15:56 -0500, Tony Baldwin wrote:
> On 11/08/2016 02:57 PM, Anthony Baldwin wrote:
> > I've been hvaving trouble for over a month, I can't boot the same system
> > twice.
> > I replaced a hardrive because it was suggested the problem was a hard drive,
> > but now, with a brand spanking new hard drive, any time Ihave to halt
> > the system and boot it back up.
> >  end up waiting an hour for the 2TB disk to be fscked, and then get
> > dumped to a root terminal.
> > The last time, 17 days ago, I believe, I managed to get the new HDD to
> > boot after multiple fsckings with gparted from a live disk, which I'm
> > about to repeat,
> > so i can get back into the system I've been building, customizing, and
> > installing all my favourite dev tools and stuff on for almost 3 weeks
> > Just now, trying to reboot, the only thing that looked amiss before the
> > fscking and root prompt,
> > was something about failure to load kernel modules, whereas on prior
> > attempts, the only errors I could see
> > were about corrupted file systems, which would explain all the fscking,
> > perhaps.
> > The system fscked itself after the module failure notice, too..
> > I'm hoping some fskcking will get me back up.
> > But Aiḿ getting real tired of goint through this stuff everytime I need
> > to reboot.
> > What happens when there's a power failure? I have to waste half the next
> > day doing multiple fsckings?
> > Preposterous.
> > I swear I've never had mor e trouble with Debian than I keep having with
> > Jessie/Systemd.
> > troubles mounting my android phone, trouble with sound suddenly deciding
> > not to work, and
> > complete failure to reboot. It's dismaying ,disheartening, and infuriating.
> > "Stable" used to mean "rock-solid"If I have to reinstall one more time,
> > I'm likely to install fedora or something.
> >
> Happilly, after 3 fsckings 9(and only sacrificing 1 chicken 0 goats), I 
> got her to reboot(and my sound is back on, as already mentioned on that 
> particular thread)
Should have sacrificed the chicken in the first place:-)

73s de WB5VQX

73s de WB5VQX

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