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Re: WiFi after initial install

On 12/5/2016 12:00 PM, Seeker wrote:
On 12/5/2016 7:31 AM, Mark Fletcher wrote:

All my past Debian experience of setting up WiFi is pre-systemd /
pre-stretch, and a long time in my past so I have forgotten more
than I ever knew :) Outside Debian, I've done it on LFS using
systemd-networkd -- I know that can be made to work but it doesn't
seem very Debianesque to me.

Any suggestions on what I should do to set this up?



If your past experience is doing the setup in

That has not changed. At least the way I do it has not changed.

I'm running Debian unstable, with resolvconf installed so I can put
the DNS name servers in the iterfaces file. I use static IP addresses
so my wireless config looks something like....

iface wlan0 inet static address X.X.X.X netmask X.X.X.X gateway
X.X.X.X dns-nameservers X.X.X.X X.X.X.X wpa-ssid your_ssid wpa-psk

The only changes to my wireless configuration over the years have
been due to interface name changes and at some point (probably when
I switched from WEP to WPA) the wireless part went from

wireless-ssid wireless-psk


wpa-ssid wpa-psk

so for dhcp should be something like.

iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-ssid your_ssid wpa-psk Your_Wireless_Key

Forgot to include that you also need a line that tells debian you want
the interface brought up during boot.

auto wlan0

in my case wlan0, but needs to match whatever name Debian gives your
network interface.

If you have a need or just personal desire for your wirless key to
be stored in an encrypted format then you have to do some different
configuration for the WPA stuff, which I have not dug into since the
above solution works for my needs.

Later, Seeker

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