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Re: How stable is the frozen stretch?

My system is used for work (I work from home exclusively) and stuff I do sometimes can be mission-critical in that if I'm notified, I might have to go and do some work right away on something important. Customers would be relying on my ability to fix things. So, I really can't afford something to go down on my machine. This is why I have a spare laptop just in case my "main" laptop has a problem. They are both set up identical and data files are backed up very frequently so all I need to do is get the backups onto the spare laptop and be good to go within minutes.

Stability, in my case, is a must. However, I do like to have newer features as well.

On 05/07/2017 07:45 PM, Michael Milliman wrote:
Yeah, this is one of the main things sited as a drawback to the Debian
distribution....packages are sometimes a little older than in other
distributions.  But, this is because the Debian developers spend so much
time making sure that they work properly in the distribution before they
are released in the repositories.  As a result, things change a lot less
frequently.  The benefit of this is that Debian is 'stable' in all
senses of the word...few serious bugs and system instability, and little
or no instability in what is part of the distribution.  For many people,
especially businesses, this stability is important.  For others, like
myself, I can afford a little more instability, and so can deal with any
instability in testing for the benefit of getting newer versions of the
packages and run Testing (Stretch). Many people also run Experimental
(Sid) for the benefit of bleeding-edge versions of software, but a lot
of instability (in all senses of the word).

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