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Re: Fwd: Upgrade Problem

On Fri 04 Jan 2019 at 08:15:11 (-0500), Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 03, 2019 at 09:22:49PM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > In this case, I hate to sound like 
> > an ass, but perhaps a re-install is in the future, doing the reinstall 
> > to a new drive [...]
> Come on, people.  Show some sense.  (And yes, this includes the OP.)
> He simply has a full root file system.  He has shown the df output at
> least twice now.
> (A full root file system clearly and plainly shown by df despite the OP
> claiming he is certain he's not out of space, no less.)

That's rather unfair. songbird asked after space/inodes and the OP
responded with "so far as I know". With space in so many places,
it would be easy for someone to overlook no space on /. (Which is
why I replied "yes, but we don't" and asked for df to be posted).

On posting the output, the OP asked "could this e [sic] a problem?".

I see no "claim". AFAICT the OP's query was not directly replied to
until today, though obviously it, or the other df listing, was
read by others, continuing the discussion on several fronts.

Stepping back and reading this thread, it seems that there are a lot
of "solutions" being thrown in before the OP has been encouraged to
find out what the true root (pun intended) of the problem is.
As Felix hinted/suggested, I thought rather harshly, the problem
might not be caused by what you can see, but by what you can't.
The OP needs to examine the filesystem usage and see if that squares
with the free space, not go round deleting things (or shopping).

Most people's systems evolve (unless they're fresh install types)
and the history of the system might need to be taken into account.


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