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Re: Changing nameservers - WAS "Which resolv.conf file?"

On Thu, Aug 01, 2019 at 07:58:56PM +0200, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> Le 01/08/2019 à 18:18, David Wright a écrit :
> > 
> > I think that a lot of people install resolvconf (deliberately or
> > incidentally) without really understanding what it's for or what
> > it does. Then, because most people naturally check the contents of
> > /etc/resolv.conf, they indulge in all sorts of cargo-cult behaviour
> > to pummel it into submission; the most extreme I've seen being
> > editing followed by chattr +i.
> AFAIK it is also the most inefficient : upon installation, resolvconf
> replaces the regular file /etc/resolv.conf with a symlink pointing to a
> volatile temporary file in /run (tmpfs), so the immutable attribute has no
> effect if set on the symlink and will be reset at the next boot if set on
> the target file in /run.

It's the most inefficient only because of bug #860928, which means you
need to add a cron job to clean up all the stray temp files that get
left behind.

The controversy surrounding chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf is why it's listed
as the last option on the wiki.  But if #860928 were to be fixed, it
wouldn't be "inefficient" at all.  It's actually the simplest choice.
People who object to chattr do so on philosophical grounds, not
performance benchmark grounds.

I don't even know how many times I've posted the wiki link in this thread,
but it seems like people aren't even reading it.  I don't know what else
I need to do.


If there's something on this page that people disagree with, bring it
up!  Or change the wiki directly!

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