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Re: odd passwd problem.

On 2019-08-03, Gene Heskett <gheskett@shentel.net> wrote:
> [+3038.26s] DEBUG: Session pid=490: Authentication complete with return 
> value 7: Authentication failure

Check permissions on '~.Xauthority' file maybe (think it should be
gene:gene). Maybe that file is 'stale' (whatever that might mean). Maybe
you could move it out of the way and see if you can log in then.

curty@einstein:~$ ls -l .Xauthority 
-rw------- 1 curty curty 102 Aug  3 09:17 .Xauthority

I'm a lightdm user myself.

You might also try 'dpkg-reconfigure lightdm' (which might overwrite a
corrupted config with something fresh).

Stabs in the dark. You enter username/password and it says: "Incorrect
password. Try again, Gene"?

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― Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere's Fan

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