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Re: Server hardware advice.

On Wed, Aug 07, 2019 at 01:29:21AM -0400, Steven Mainor wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm looking for advice on how to build a home server with a primary focus on 
> security. I plan to run nextcloud and a mail server that will serve 3 to 5 
> people at most.
> My requirements are:
> A server setup that can be run with completely open source software and 
> doesn't require any binaries to boot. I don't trust anything closed source for 
> this particular project.
> A gigabit ethernet port.
> A USB3.0 port or SATA connector to attach storage to.
> Enough processor power and ram to run nextcloud and the mail server from an 
> encrypted hard drive (LUKS) efficiently with moderate throughput saving and 
> reading files from nextcloud.

 These fit all your requirements (i.e. it'll run stock buster kernel
without any additional firmware):

Helios4 - [1]. 4 SATA ports controller attached to PCI-E.
GnuBee - [2]. 6 SATA ports attached to PCI-E.
Odroid HC2 - [3]. Single SATA port, attached to USB bus.

> So far I have been looking at single board computers like the ones listed 
> here: https://wiki.debian.org/CheapServerBoxHardware#OSHW

That list is outdated somewhat. But it gave me good ideas back in the


[1] https://kobol.io/
[2] http://gnubee.org/
[3] https://www.hardkernel.com/shop/odroid-hc2-home-cloud-two/

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