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Bulleye: How do I disable scrolling on touchpad...........

	From my keyboard:

	Hello Everyone,

	Trying to stop all scrolling on my touchpad has me tricked; and
	the mad scrolling is driving me nuts.

Debian Bullseye, FVWM, HP laptop,  xserver-xorg-input-synaptics

VertTwoFingerScroll     =0  in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/70-synaptics.conf

Stopped the the xorg-xserver from bringing up a GUI at boot.

$ synclient -l

Parameter settings:
    LeftEdge                = 142
    RightEdge               = 3411
    TopEdge                 = 80
    BottomEdge              = 1419
    FingerLow               = 1
    FingerHigh              = 1
    MaxTapTime              = 180
    MaxTapMove              = 169
    MaxDoubleTapTime        = 180
    SingleTapTimeout        = 180
    ClickTime               = 100
    EmulateMidButtonTime    = 75
    EmulateTwoFingerMinZ    = 282
    EmulateTwoFingerMinW    = 7
    VertScrollDelta         = 77
    HorizScrollDelta        = 77
    VertEdgeScroll          = 0
    HorizEdgeScroll         = 0
    CornerCoasting          = 0
    VertTwoFingerScroll     = 1
    HorizTwoFingerScroll    = 0
    MinSpeed                = 1
    MaxSpeed                = 1.75
    AccelFactor             = 0.0518672
    TouchpadOff             = 0
    LockedDrags             = 0
    LockedDragTime RTCornerButton          = 0
    RBCornerButton          = 0
    LTCornerButton          = 0
    LBCornerButton          = 0
    TapButton1              = 0
    TapButton2              = 0
    TapButton3              = 0
    ClickFinger1            = 1
    ClickFinger2            = 1
    ClickFinger3            = 1
    CircularScrolling       = 0
    CircScrollDelta         = 0.1
    CircScrollTrigger       = 0
    CircularPad             = 0
    PalmDetect              = 0
    PalmMinWidth            = 10
    PalmMinZ                = 200
    CoastingSpeed           = 20
    CoastingFriction        = 50
    PressureMotionMinZ      = 30
    PressureMotionMaxZ      = 160
    PressureMotionMinFactor = 1
    PressureMotionMaxFactor = 1
    GrabEventDevice         = 0
    TapAndDragGesture       = 1
    AreaLeftEdge            = 0
    AreaRightEdge           = 0
    AreaTopEdge             = 0
    AreaBottomEdge          = 0
    HorizHysteresis         = 19
    VertHysteresis          = 19
    ClickPad                = 0

Any help please.


	East Gippsland Wildlife Rehabilitators Inc..

	Registered Linux User:- 329524

	To the right, books; to the left, a tea-cup. In front of me,
	the fireplace; behind me, the post. There is no greater
	happiness than this. -- Teiga


	Debian GNU/Linux - Magic indeed.


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