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Re: advisable to use installer script?

> I'm assuming it's this one: 
> https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/#linux

Thats the one.

> > Can anyone give a broad idea of what this install script does?
> Extracts a HUEG tar.bz2 archive full of (presumably) Python and R
> modules of unknown quality. Why would anyone (short of Windoze user)
> willingly use this anaconda given the existence of pip and CRAN is
> beyond me.
> In Debian we have apt for this, and I kindly suggest you to consider
> using it instead.
Thank you Reco. I will use either apt or pip. I am looking to use scipy
basically, that's all I need, Anaconda comes with bunch of things I
don't need. I have noticed that modules are a bit outdated in apt
however, I asked a separate question regarding that.
I am glad not to be a Windoze user. And now I am also glad you are not
a Windoze user.
thank you.

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