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Re: how to save video on web page

On 4/7/20 1:49 AM, Ihor Antonov wrote:
Having said that you can try downloading it yourself - all you need is to find a link to ".m3u8" file in network tab of developer mode when you start the video.

youtube-dl https://bla-bla/playlist.m3u8


Ihor Antonov


Youtube-dl <https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl> is indeed a powerful and very good software for this job with many features and options, but can you download videos *from anywhere ?*

What I want to say is that there are many web pages which greatly hinder (prohibit) this possibility. In this case, what can we do? Can we always find the hidden link (source) of the video? If so, how?
If the page requires you to be logged in, what can we do?

On 4/7/20 2:39 PM, Siard wrote:
You can install the Video Download Helper browser extension.
It exists for Firefox and Vivaldi, don't know about other browsers.

Video Download Helper it's a good tool but it never won me over and it was never so effective (on all websites) so as to amaze me. So much so that I no longer use it at all. Is it better/"stronger" in the new versions?

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