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Re: geolocation services disabled and Gnome maps

Joe writes:
> And I live in the easternmost London Borough. So much for accuracy. My
> ISP's national HQ is in Sheffield, but where the hell Washington comes
> from, I don't know.

GeoIP usually (though not always) puts me in Elk Mound because that's
where the CenturyLink concentrator that I connect to is located.

Before the exhaustion of the IPv4 space (and before classless routing)
you could always tell what country and what ISP an IP was in by
inspection.  ISPs tended to distribute IPs hierarchically and
geographically internally, so it didn't take too much research to
develop fairly reliable databases.  Classless routing plus the buying
and selling of small blocks of IPs has destroyed that relationship.
It's also exploding the routing tables.
John Hasler 
Elmwood, WI USA

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