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Re: KDE run Dolphin as root?

On Sunday, Jun 7, 2020, at 12:11, Kushal Kumaran <kushal@locationd.net> wrote:
>  sudo sh -c 'unset SUDO_USER; KDE_FULL_SESSION=true
> dolphin'
> from a shell gets a dolphin window.

Thanks, Kushal. That does work. For Dolphin, anyway.

> There is some advice at
> https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=223&t=161021#p425888 that
> can arrange things so that you get an action on the right-click context
> menu.

Could not figure out how to get this to work.  Whatever.

> Sounds like you have your needs properly met with cinnamon and
> nemo, and they seem to be available in debian.  Is there a particular
> reason you need to solve this problem with dolphin?  I assume you
> could have just installed nemo and used it even while using the plasma
> shell as the desktop.

Yes, I have been getting along fine with nemo on Cinnamon.  Much
better than the crippled nautilus that Gnome makes these days.  I was
just looking around, to see if there was anything better. I have heard
people praise dolphin (and kde) lately.  And dolphin does seem to be a
little more configurable than nemo.

Nemo does work from within kde:
nemo as user
sudo nemo for elevated privileges.

Since I am the system administrator for my computer, I find myself
having to do a lot of things as root. I can enter the snippet you
provided, to run dolphin with elevated privileges.  Or nemo.  But it
really does bother me the arrogant attitude of one or more kde
developers: deliberately working to prevent users from deciding for
themselves how to use their own systems, even after considerable user
complaints.  And that they apparently promised users they would change
this, over a year ago! Sounds like "tell them whatever they want to
hear, then ignore them until they get too tired to complain any more."

On Jun 7, 2020, at 1:55 PM , Marco Möller wrote:
> For me the task to handle files as root is not frequently coming up. If
> so, then I simply use sudo and CLI commands. Besides on the CLI running
> nano, cp, mv and rm, I figured out that many times using chown helps a
> lot: if needing to manipulate many files as user root, then this is
> usually caused because a bunch of files was received from a backup
> storage directory or files on external storage devices come marked to be
> owned as root, but if I am pretty sure (this is of course important)
> that it will not do any harm to change the owner of those files or
> directories to the group and name of a normal user then chown is fast to
> do and afterwards I can continue to work with Dolphin as a normal user.
. . .
> Reminding on the question of the OP:
> If in need to handle files with root permissions, I simply use sudo and
> CLI commands. Remember the above mentioned comfort option to invoke a
> root terminal by command 'sudo su -'. Then, besides on the CLI running
> nano, cp, rm and mv, maybe having available mc, using the command chown
> should be considered as well. If I am pretty sure (this is of course
> important) that it will not do any harm to change the ownership of files
> or directories to the group and name of my normal user, then chown is
> fast to do and afterwards I can continue to work with Dolphin as my
> normal user.

Thanks for the explanation.


Now, a final note.

When I did my main install, it was a day or two before the release of
Buster 10.0.  I immediately upgraded to Unstable.  But it is still
originally based upon Stretch.  It was set up with both root and user
passwords. And I use good quality, long passwords.
: )

Here's the point:
I can do everything requiring elevated privileges just by using the
user password, and sudo in a terminal as needed. Never need to use the
root password.

Well, when I did an alternate Buster Stable install on a spare drive,
I was surprised (not happily) that when running from that setup,
various programs demand the root password, and will not accept the
user password.  So, now I have to remember not one, but two "good"
passwords.  And try to determine which one is being asked for.  And
re-remember both every time they are changed.

I am guessing this has to do with a change made for Buster.  Perhaps
it is a "security thing".

Maybe I am lazy, but I quite prefer to only have to remember and use
one password.  And this feels like another step backward to me.

Oh, well . . .  I guess it's for my own good.  After all, I'm sure
Debian developers know what is best for me, better than I do.  After
all, these are the same people who actually thought systemd was a good
idea.  And shouted down those who didn't.

Have a nice day!
: )

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