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Putting a Debian Repository in a Mint 20 System for Chromium


I happily run Chromium under, both Debian Buster and Devuan Ascii (non SystemD equivalent to Stretch).  It comes with proper .deb files and installs quite well, thank you very much.

Somehow, Ubuntu decided to make Chromium a Snap Package.  (I'm reading the articles about it now.  I don't like it).

I am not running Ubuntu (except as a Cloud Server, but that will change eventually to Debian).

*But*, I decided to install Mint 20, to help out a Friend, who is doing some work I support under it.  Mint hates Snap, even though it's based on Ubuntu.  However, they didn't take the step themselves to put the Debian Repositories in for Chromium.

Now, when running Debian Systems, people caution against mixing Repositories from other Distributions.  Does this work the other way?  Would I get into trouble, adding the Buster (or Bullseye) Repositories, only for installing Chromium from it?  

I'm asking here, because I'm sure people here have experience using derivatives, such as Ubuntu and Mint.  (And yes, Mint has a Forum, but I got into trouble, for "suggesting" that they provide an Expert Text Mode Install for Mint, like Debian does.  Yes, I needed help with the Ubiquity System Mint uses for its Install).

There have been discussions about not creating a FrankenDebian System.  How about FrankenMint or FrankenUbuntu one?

Thanks in advance,

Kenneth Parker

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