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Re: [OT] Remote SSH (dynamic IP) without third-party server

On Sun 02 Aug 2020 at 01:00:08 (-0400), Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Saturday 01 August 2020 23:52:51 David Wright wrote:

> > Currently, my IP address has been stable since I switched on the modem
> > (which runs 24/7) after my Christmas break.
> My address for the link in my sig below isn't fixed, but its now been 
> stable into the 3rd, 5 years at $20 renewal at Namecheap. And it won't 
> change unless shentel changes how they do dhcp between my router and 
> their servers  The secret for me?  I've cloned the same MAC into both 
> routers, normal and a cold backup, so they are 100% interchangeable. 
> Both routers are running dd-wrt, and that url _is_ this machine.

My modem is the one they gave me with the service back in 2013,
so the MAC has never changed. OTOH the service has changed address
twice, and the pole and cabling changed at the last of these.
This last required fitting an attenuator at the modem, presumably
because it was overloading the analogue input and damaging the signal.
I've never taken particular notice of when the IP address has changed,
apart from this last one. But I can see useful benefits in changes
as well as a lack of them. In your case, WV might be behind on some
of the modernisations that others have mentioned. We too.


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