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Re: aptitude why (Was: Re: After software update systemd runs into timeouts)

Urs Thuermann wrote: 
> $ aptitude why libpam-systemd
> i   systemd Recommends libpam-systemd
> $ aptitude why policykit-1 libpam-systemd
> i A policykit-1 Depends libpam-systemd
> But now I see reason: policykit-1 is also installed only because
> virt-manager *recommends* libvirt-daemon-system which depends on
> policykit-1:
> $ aptitude why virt-manager libpam-systemd
> i   virt-manager          Recommends libvirt-daemon-system (>= 1.2.7)
> i A libvirt-daemon-system Depends    policykit-1
> i A policykit-1           Depends    libpam-systemd
> But since that chain is longer, aptitude shows the recommendation of
> systemd.  In the output of aptitude purge in my other mail I hadn't
> realized that libvirt-daemon-system is also only automatically
> installed.

Interesting bit here: libvirt-daemon-system supplies the startup
scripts for libvirtd, both sysvinit style and systemd style. It
has no other function.

If you want to use sysvinit *and* libvirtd, you either need to
write your own scripts or extract them from the .deb and not
install it, because the Depends will end up installing
systemd-sysv and thus replacing init.

libvirt-daemon-system ought to be two packages, or the sysvinit
scripts ought to be included with libvirt-daemon.

In unstable, it becomes two packages.


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