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Re: non-smart debian phone

Dan Hitt wrote:

> If i were going to get a smartphone, i would very seriously consider the
> Librem (puri.sm) running PureOS.
> But i've decided that i don't really need or want a smartphone.  I want
> something that i can make and receive calls with (with very low
> frequency), and which i inspect to get the time if i'm not near my
> computer or a clock.  I especially do not want a large, fragile touch
> screen.  If it had a wired connection, such as USB, over which i could ssh
> in and fool around, that would be a nice extra.  And it would be nice to
> be able to download voicemail into sound files on my computer.
> So i'm looking for recommendations or advice.

750,- compared to 25$ Kai OS phone - you have some room in between :D
AS people said if you don't need SMS or some specific online service new
generation of those cheap phones will suite you

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