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hello. Please help this big report go in the correct direction....


I apologize for my  mental deficits. (I will leave that story for the end, don't read it if you feel hurried,) I Respect what you do and I REALLY, REALLY hate to ask for this level of assistance. I'm using PureOS, which I guess is a derivative of Debian. I had started with 7.0 (Wheezy) and went to 8.0. I never had the gonads to use Sid TBH. I ran the stables. Although I was a TINY variant by running a KDE desktop. I also had XFCE and LXDE? installed, for really no other reason than I had read about them and certain authors SWORE by them so I gave them a whirl.

O.K. as I'm sure you will see, I am operating PureOS. I haven't honestly kept up as well as I would wish as my internet is EXCLUSIVELY through my cell phone now. (What can I say, it's one of the "wonders" of being poor in the USA, which is better than poor in any 3rd world country. I'm now complaining, simply sharing that I'm trying to do my best with what I have.) Again I digress (OK, I'm 90% digressed! I want to be brief with my story and after that will be a cut and paste of EVERYTHING I could put on the screen so you could see what U saw and hope it will give you some insight into what is going wrong and how t fix the problem. At this point, I am simply going to hope that this is not 100% the result of my failed updating.

PERSONAL STORY: OK, do NOT read this if pressed for time, however, you may possibly, in some way  benefit from reading "some other blokes" rough story. I received my TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) On February 23rd, 2006. How do I know this? well, when I was in coma; (from what I experienced was on the average for those that were able to resume life afterwards;) I had lost orientation to where and WHEN I was! I had some misunderstandings. I THOUGHT I was a dew YEARS earlier than when I was and did not know I was HOME... NOT in the ARMY! So, when I was awoken at 9:00 a.m. and saw the sun FULLY RISEN, shining in it's blazing glory, not like it i at o'dark thirty in the morning, i was freaked out! I started getting frustrated at some poor nurse, (which I later felt SO BAD about my mis-reaction that I made a trip JUST to apologize to her!) I yelled something to the effect of, "Why did you wake me for PT so LATE!!! The 1SG (First Sargent) is going to f*ck!n* kill me! I'll be article 15'ed! I don't want that $hi! (it was understood in the military article 15 is 1/2 pay + extra duty for 2 weeks + deferred promotion (which is MORE lost pay,))  (suffice to say, was REALLY, REALLY, bad! This, was avoided TREMENDOUSLY!)  .... poor, poor nurse.... I wasn't 100% swearing 2 of every 3 words forming a constructive and coherent sentence... yet. BUT she was able to glimpse down that hall and see the room on the end.

Long story short again, that was after my INITIAL brain injury.... which honestly was HUGE for me! It was like taking a 52 card deck + 2 jokers and then taking the jokers out and 5 random cards which NOBODY knew WHICH specific ones were taken out. After that I had a couple shunt "revisions", which involve me being put to sleep and have them open my head to repair the "shunt", a device that basically helps my body do what most do naturally. I woke up 90-95% of who I was before, much like the initial TBI. but 95% of 95%f 95% is GREAT! when looking at the alternative OF COURSE! but 95% of 95%f 95% is 85.7%... not terrible but that is on the upper end too, and a 4the time will be 85.4%

/ if it were even slightly less like 92.5% it would be 79.2% ans 73.2% respectively. My mistake was being god at math and NOT taking it as a major! DOH!

as promised, here us EVERYTHING from my terminal window:

I messed up! there was a process that dely I umped more info and it overwrote! ARRRGHH! I will try to reproduce it


sudo apt update && sudo apt install google-drive-ocamlfuse

mkdir -p ~/mount/google-drive

I believe I created this dir and this is where the headaches started:

google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/mount/google-drive

strangely I had a similar readout after I attempted to run reportbug.... but i am honestly a bit foggy on what I did:

timdanielson@td546:~$ google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/mount/google-drive
Could not find the database of available applications, run update-command-not-found as root to fix this
Sorry, command-not-found has crashed! Please file a bug report at:
Please include the following information with the report:

command-not-found version: 0.3
Python version: 3.7.3 final 0
Distributor ID: PureOS
Description: PureOS
Release: 9.0
Codename: amber
Exception information:

local variable 'cnf' referenced before assignment
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/command-not-found/CommandNotFound/util.py", line 23, in crash_guard
File "/usr/lib/command-not-found", line 93, in main
if not cnf.advise(args[0], options.ignore_installed) and not options.no_failure_msg:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'cnf' referenced before assignment

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