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Re: pci 0000:00:01:0: MSI quirk detected; subordinated MSI disabled ...

>>  Yes, you can! (tm), but imagine, just imagine, as JOhn Lennon sang,
>> that networking would be taken out of the kernel!

>... because for almost everyone, it's better in the kernel.

 Here we clearly could agree to disagree on the "for almost everyone"
part, the specifics of the adjetive "better" is what I would like to
know more about. In the same way that Linux defines kernel and user
space, it could also define "inet" space with a specific user for whom
networking is accessible a la SELinux ...

>> At times it amazes
>> me to discuss with you such issues here. What is the point of using
>> security based on IP tables when the active code/js bs is used to even
>> probe the keyboard for the passwords you use in case you use the same
>> one in your off line and on line machines? They have been using js
>> injection even as part of general societal AI bots.
>This paragraph made sense up until the word active, and then it
>went right off the rails.
>You seem to be conflating three different things.
>iptables is a firewall mechanism that allows you to reject
>unwanted traffic based on properties of IP packets.

 Well, yes, but IP tables are the easy, unimportant part when it comes
to hacking by government sponsored perpetrators, including your
Internet provider. These days there is no relevant difference
whatsoever between the NSAs of the world and IT companies.

>"AI" either doesn't exist or has been around for decades,
>depending on how you want to define it.

 Well, we agree on that to me AI is some bsing pretentious nonsense,
but the NSAs of the world have real-time, click by click access
patterns of every individual of entire societies, to which they apply
Bayesian networks to correlate it intra and intertextually (across
individuals) ... they notice "you are saying something that you
shouldn't be saying" (tm) and your off line and on line life will get
very "interesting" (to put it somehow)

 I know it would sound to anyone with some senses spared like stupid
random bs, but they ran me out of the U.S. because they are using
regular people for social control experiments in an MK-Ultra kind of
way, making them believe that they were "reading their mind" (based on
all the data they gather about every single one of us). They even made
that Phillipino president that "God had talked to him". People,
actually wholeheartedly believed such bs. We are talking here about
University professors, ex CIA agents and military personnel, retirees,
with no previous mental illness of any kind not even in their
families, who all of a sudden became schizophrenics in their early
60's (something never heard of and without an explanation
scientifically, neurobiologically) ... people would hear non-stop a
fully, naturally sounding voice (or various voices, they did that bs
to me a few times, but I could tell it was delivered and they stopped)
telling them for example that they had forgotten to take their car
keys once again and teasing them as they looked for them, or that
their spouse was having sex right now with someone else and giving
them their telephone # to call ... most people have committed suicide
and/or gone into their homicidal rampages so common in the U.S. Non of
those "targeted individuals" could make sense of why that was
"happening" to them. You hear the voices tormenting you non-stop and
your spouse sleeping right next to you doesn’t.

 I just tried to convince those people that the government could not
read their mind, that they were just using run of the mill techno sh!t
(sensor, their cell phones, all information they consciously or
functionally generate to basically create a doppelgaenger of
themselves ...) to make them believe such nonsense. The FBI/NYPD was
telling me "we are going to have to kill you if you don't stop". The
only way I could make sense of it, is that they needed for people to
believe such bs and talk back to such "voices" as part of their social
control research. The least surface we expose to them the better.

 I know most technical folks tend to be kind of cynical, but my point
is that there is more than IPtables we should be worrying about and we
Mathematicians, scientists and tech monkeys of the world are complicit
in creating the state of affairs I am describing. I think we could do
much better than worrying about ip addresses and such things.

 I talk about such matters because I think it is better when someone
just twits those issue into general consciousness.

> JavaScript is just a language; there's nothing
>special about it that can't be done in Haskell, Forth or
>Fortran. Web browsers tend to implement it, but you can also
>turn it off altogether

 Well many (most? all?) websites including google would not work with
js disabled, so so einfach it is nicht.


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