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Re: [joerg@debian.org: Debian Presence on Freenode]

robbinespu@gmail.com wrote:
>On 6/16/21 9:11 AM, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>> For the new Libera.Chat network, we established a group registration and
>> will also hand out Debian cloaks to members again. Please open an issue
>> in our new Salsa project, if you want one:
>> https://salsa.debian.org/debian-irc-team/libera-cloak
>> (Please be patient, we will group them together and try not overwhelming
>> Libera Staff with too many small requests).
>> Many thanks to the #debian ops team who have spent the last 3 weeks
>> setting up channels on irc.libera.chat and walking on eggshells trying
>> to siphon off users from freenode to safer places while avoiding getting
>> k:lined by the new staff of freenode for doing so. Most of them aren't
>> DDs but spend huge numbers of hours looking after our community for us.
>I am not DD or DM but do Debian user are eligible to claim this cloak?

I *think* they're just offering cloaks for DDs and DMs - see


Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
"We're the technical experts.  We were hired so that management could
 ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs."  -- Mike Andrews

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