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Re: [SUMMARY STATEMENT] Was: Re: Why did Norbert Preining (having maintained KDE) left Debian?

On 23.01.22 00:24, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
On Sat, Jan 22, 2022 at 08:29:42PM +0100, Marco Möller wrote:
On 22.01.22 15:24, songbird wrote:
Thomas Schmitt wrote:
When this topic came up i googled around for learning about the actual
This mail by Norbert Preining


describes his view on his demotion from Debian Developer to Debian
Maintainer by the  Debian Account Mangers (DAM) initiated by the
Anti Harassment team (AH, now Community team).
His mail quotes some of their mails. The follow-ups contain replies by
the other side of this conflict.

I think the further deterioration of his relation with Debian stems from
there, but i did not explore 900 matches of


Have a nice day :)

    excellent reply and pretty much my own feelings on the matter
too.  :)

    if people want to keep trolling on the matter it's all fine with
me but it doubtful it will shed any more light in relation to how
much heat it will give off for not much gain.


Asking for transparency to sound like trolling wasn't my intention. I am
sorry if I wasn't able to find the correct wording for keeping these to
things distinguishable.

Being a grateful user of Debian, and being in my circle of influence a
strong advocate of the Debian project, and also of the KDE Plasma desktop
environment as available in Debian, I do not feel it to be, lets say,
insolent, if interested in community affairs. Actually, I feel it desirable
to stay well informed for reinforcing advocacy, and asking for transparency
is to me a coherent step.

I feel that a concise statement from Debian insiders would gain a lot to not
provoke avoidable discussions and would right away defeat heat given off
As Thomas pointed out, there are hundreds of posts from years old
discussions which appear to be the prelude to the current situation. Some of
these public discussions have been quite controversial, partly also
questioning if community processes are always taking place sufficiently
transparent. Currently I find only a public statement from one party. This
could harm the Debian project. Some concise statement from somebody in the
Debian project with insights into the issue could prevent Debian from bad
repute by declassifying which are the positions of the present disagreement.

Best wishes,

On behalf of DAM - the Debian Account Managers - the brief statement follows:


Norbert's status as Debian Developer has been officially withdrawn after
repeated  violations of the Debian Code of Conduct. An appeal process was also
initiated and has concluded. It upheld the withdrawal of the Debian Developer

That withdrawal does not prevent him from making contributions to the Debian
Project. However, it's entirely understandable that he might choose to leave
the community instead. That is a decision we must respect, and I'd ask you to
do so as well.


With every good wish,

Andrew Cater

Dear Andrew, Dear Debian Account Managers,
I thank you very much for your public response. It is much appreciated, and not only because of the clear information, that in this particular case the position of both parties is now public, but specially also because you answered here on the list to me even though I am simply a normal user. We all know that facing controversy with users and with contributors is a very tough task. You earn my full respect for publicly standing up and defending the project.

A suggestion which you might want to discuss in the committee(s): maybe you can consider if in the balancing act between privacy and transparency there could be space for a bulletin board where the Debian project publishes by internal committees taken decisions which are likely to be of interest for the broader community. Maybe on https://www.debian.org/intro/index#community in the "Debian is a Community" column is space for another link "Committee Notifications", or opening a list "debian-committee-announce". The present https://micronews.debian.org/ "Debian micronews" could stay reserved for the technical news, while the suggested notification location would publish community related news. Well, nothing which shall be discussed here in this thread, just my suggestion to the Debian project.

Thanks a lot, for your above provided response and also for Debian,
Best wishes,

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