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Re: how many W a PSU for non-gaming Debian?

Computation has now entered a critical stage.

  device       model/category        max W    note
  GPU          geforce-gt-710           19
  CPU          AMD mid end (4 cores)   125
  fans          80 mm (3K RPM)           9    3*3W =  9W
               120 mm (2K RPM)          12    2*6W = 12W
  motherboard  high end                 80
  RAM          ~DDR3 (1.5V)              3    actually it is a DDR4
  SSD                                    2.8


  (ceiling (+ 19 125 (* 3 3) (* 2 6) 80 3 2.8))                       ; 251 W

with +25% wiggle room:

  (ceiling (* 1.25 (+ 19 125 (* 3 3) (* 2 6) 80 3 2.8)))              ; 314 W

with +25% at 87% efficiency:

  (ceiling (/ (* 1.25 (+ 19 125 (* 3 3) (* 2 6) 80 3 2.8)) 0.87 1.0)) ; 361 W


underground experts united

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