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Re: Google smtp and pop

Le 06/03/2022 à 06:40, tomas@tuxteam.de a écrit :
On Sat, Mar 05, 2022 at 11:22:40PM -0300, Marcelo Laia wrote:
Find another mail host.

Have you, or someone else, a suggestion for one alternative for Gmail?

I tend towards smaller, but established local providers.

For example, around here, in Germany we have posteo.de or mailbox.org. They
do cost something (1 EUR/month), but they value your privacy (f. ex. you can
pay cash for posteo, they only know your mail address).

IMAP, SMTP, some also offer extras like Nextcloud (e.g. mailbox), no fuss.

Look around you, I'm sure you'll find similar offers. They don't make that
much noise (they aren't a propaganda company, as Google is, after all) and
tend to invest the money they take from you into people doing their jobs.


Hi, I am not affiliated with any of the following, but I use them:

https://riseup.net/ is global U.S. based, with a free option, and they claim to care about user privacy (I only say "claim" because I didn't audit them).

https://protonmail.com/ There's a limited free option, it is global and operates under Swiss laws. Cares about user privacy to a great extent (no logs, user encrypted inbox, onion site access possible...). Only caveats I am aware of is that they can be compelled to reveal user IP address by Swiss laws (it happened once at the request of the French government), so if you care about that use a vpn or TOR to access your mails I guess. The paid options are solid professional options.

I still use gmail for public lists and general junk subscriptions, Thunderbird handles oauth2 nicely.

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