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Re: Debian license issue

Stefan Monnier wrote:

>> Is it possible to get information on the type of license
>> under which the Debian software is available?
> Yes, of course.
> Have you tried a search for, say, "debian license", maybe?
> Just a wild idea

I don't know what Debian is under to be honest, GPL2? If so
this seems to do it

$ emacs /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2


No, I don't know, maybe it says so in /etc/issue originally?

I have a version command [1] but it don't say the license and
my /etc/issue is empty, don't know if I erased whatever
information was there tho ...

But I actually agree with the OP this should be outputable
from and with the OS itself with no Googling required ...

#! /bin/zsh

version () {
    uname -a

    lsb_release -a

    grep Revision /proc/cpuinfo

    local os_file=/etc/os-release
    [[ -f $os_file ]] && cat $os_file

alias ver=version

[1] https://dataswamp.org/~incal/conf/.zsh/distro

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