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Re: net.ipv6.conf.intf.disable_ipv6 behavior changes

> On Sep 2, 2022, at 2:51 AM, Kevin Price <kp@osnanet.de> wrote:
> Am 02.09.22 um 06:33 schrieb Casey Deccio:
>> 1) a sanity check (can others confirm the behavior discrepancy?);
> No. My 5.10.0-17 behaves like your 5.10.0-13.

Thanks so much for checking!

> 2) an expectation of *correct* behavior (seems to me like the 5.10.0-13
> behavior is "correct");
> Yes.

I agree.

> and 3) suggestions for next steps.
> FWIW, confirm by booting your 5.10.0-17 system with 5.10.0-13.

Thanks for the idea.  I took your advice and booted my 5.10.0-17 system (problem system) with 5.10.0-13.  The problem persisted!  Then I updated my "old" (non-problem) system from Debian 11.3 to 11.4 and updated to kernel 5.10.0-17, and I rebooted.  Still no problems!

Note: the problem system is a brand new install of Debian with only a few packages installed (they are also installed on the non-problem system) and very little customization.  I used the 11.3.0 netinst image to install, but everything is up to date.  I've confirmed the behavior independently on two fresh installs.

Another note: I'm running my tests on VMs in VirtualBox.  However, they are running on the same version of VirtualBox and even on the same machine. Even the version of VBox Guest Additions is the same.

Scratching my head...


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