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Re: drive controller Q?

On 9/14/22 19:50, David Christensen wrote:
On 9/14/22 11:40, gene heskett wrote:
Greetings all;

Does anyone have experience with this controller card?


Specifically, whats my chances of moving an existing software raid10's 4 Samsung 1T's to it, and then attaching 4 more 2T drives to it too, to create a separate 4T raid-10 for amanda?

Without any data loss if possible?

Thanks all.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.

Backup the contents of the 4 @ 1 TB RAID before making any changes; just in case.

Unforch, until I get another raid-10 going, I have nothing big enough to back it up to.
228G currently used.
I currently have 1 extra 1T Samsung and an empty sata socket though.

What are the makes and model numbers of your computer, motherboard, chassis(es), drive rack(s), and disk drives?

That list would exceed the listservers limits. Asus high end mobo, 32G dram

Please confirm that you are using Linux md for software RAID.

What other expansion cards will be connected to the computer at the same time as the new HBA?

What other drives will be connected to the new HBA?

AIUI Linux md(4)/ mdadm(8) marks block devices when they are added into an array, and is able to find them if and when the device node changes.  So, shutting down, moving the 4 @ 1 TB drives to the new HBA, and booting should "just work".

As others have mentioned, a PCIe 2.0 1x connection (500 MB/s) may become a bottleneck for intensive RAID operations, such as copying the 4 @ 1 TB RAID10 to the 4 @ 2 TB RAID10, scrubbing a RAID, replacing/ resilvering RAID drives, etc..  I expect Amanda will be limited by HDD seek time and/or Gigabit Ethernet, not by PCIe 2.0 1x bandwidth.

That would probably bother me eventually. Amanda would need 5 drives, cuz it uses a dedicated holding disk and completes the DLE to it, before moving the completed DLE to the vtape. A decided advantage in terms of preventing a real tape from being shoe shined to death, but relatively unimportant in this case. I had amanda backing up my whole local network until those two seagates puked and choked to death on it. But with 3d printers, I now have added 2 rock64's and killed one old Dell with a lightning strike since.

That disk can co-exist on the mobo's ports.  And has, its still there in fact. Unmounted, sdb.
Shows up in a blkid scan.

Let me acquire the drives and we can continue this later.

Thanks David

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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