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Re: fstrim(8) Recommendation


On Thu, Jan 12, 2023 at 06:44:59PM -0800, John Conover wrote:
> I'm installing an SSD replacement for an HD in a small 24/7 mail
> server.
> I would appreciate suggestions for the most reliable way to do
> fstrim(8).

The two ways to do it are:

a) Add "discard" into the mount options for each filesystem (not
   supported for swap)

b) Let the systemd service fstrim do it periodically

These days there shouldn't really be any reliability issues
whichever way you do it. Mostly people prefer (b) since it happens
in batches rather than a tiny discard every time something is

So I would just do nothing out of the ordinary and let the default
fstrim service do its job.

Things get more complicated if you are running virtual machines, or
LVM volumes or things like that, but it sounds like you aren't.


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