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Re: Setting up bindfs mount in LXC container

On 17/01/23 23:52, Max Nikulin wrote:
On 17/01/2023 04:06, Richard Hector wrote:

I'm using bindfs in my web LXC containers to allow particular users to write to their site docroot as the correct user.

I am not familiar with bindfs, so I may miss something important for your use case.

First of all I am unsure why you prefer bindfs instead of mapping some container users to host users using namespaces. With the following configuration 1000 inside a container and on the host is the same UID:

lxc.idmap = u 0 100000 1000
lxc.idmap = u 1000 1000 1
lxc.idmap = u 1001 101001 64535
lxc.idmap = g 0 100000 1000
lxc.idmap = g 1000 1000 1
lxc.idmap = g 1001 101001 64535

lxc.mount.entry = /home/richard/sitename/doc_root /srv/sitename/doc_root none bind,optional,create=dir

Disclaimer - I haven't actually tried any of your suggestions yet.

My goal is not to map container users to host users, but to allow a container user (human user) to access a directory as another container user (non-human owner of files). This should also be doable for multiple human users for the same site.

In /usr/local/bin/fuse.hook:

I would look into lxcfs hook for inspiration

Interesting; will do. Not sure exactly where to start, but will get there.

In /usr/local/bin/fuse.hook.s2:
lxc-device -n ${LXC_NAME} add /dev/fuse

Is there any reason why it can not be done using lxc.mount.entry in the container config?

Is that usable for adding a device file? The only way I found to do that is using lxc-device from outside the container. mknod inside doesn't work.

lxc-attach -n ${LXC_NAME} /usr/local/bin/bindfs_mount

I would consider adding a systemd unit inside container. Unsure if could be done using an udev rule.

That might be better, but it does need to rely on the device existing first.

If I don't use the at job, but run those commands manually after boot, it works fine with no error messages.

Unsure if it is relevant, but it is better to run lxc-start and lxc-attach as a systemd unit with Delegate=yes configuration, either a temporary one (systemd-run) or configured as a service. It ensures proper cgroup and scope. Otherwise some cryptic errors may happen.

So even for running stuff manually, run it from systemd? Interesting, will investigate further. I wasn't aware of systemd-run.


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