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Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

Nicholas Geovanis wrote:

>> I saw many commands in /bin and /usr/bin are written by
>> perl. is perl still the first choice for sysadmin on linux?
> I first wrote perl on unix/linux in 1991. The first python
> I wrote was about 10 years later.

It feels like Perl is old, not ancient like Lisp, but old,
while Python feels pretty modern, but the difference is
actually pretty slim, Perl is from 1987, and Python from 1991.

To be exact, Perl is from 1987-12-18, and Python from
1991-02-20, so Python is just 3y 2m 2d younger!

> Python is a more modern programming language than perl, and
> more in the European CS tradition. Larry Wall said directly
> that the OO features in perl were fake :-)

Maybe there are OO modules by now?

> because it was another fad. You can feel the difference in
> python. 3 styles you could code in python: old-fashioned
> procedural, functional like lisp, or modern OO.

Yeah, well, those paradigms are models to increase
understanding and have people theorize back and forth, and
there is nothing wrong with that, but IMO any good programming
language should be able to do and express all those concepts,
and more.

One aspect of Python is that so many people use it so there is
so much information, web pages, books, the works.
Whatever issue you have, Google will find a solution, pretty
much every time. I don't have more than "I've done it"
experience from Perl but if we compare Lisp to Python when it
comes to readily available web (and other) resources, Python
wins - and huge.

underground experts united

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