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Re: how to change default nameserver?

On 11 Apr 2023 22:28, gene heskett wrote:
On 4/11/23 13:36, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
There are a bunch of cups manpages: there are lots of documents online.
The people recommending you avahi/bonjour/zeroconf are recommending it
because it works - for them and for 99.9% of people.

And its both a lockin for apple, and denies the feature the printer maker puts into his product.  And I'm purist enough to object the both.

For future readers : this is plain wrong.
This is a perfect example of "assuming without knowing".
It's a bit like saying "TCP/IP was invented for the DARPA, and I'm a pacifist, so screw it" (note it's only a metaphor).

A simple web search is enough to understand what a *protocol* is, and
what those particular protocols/software suites are, and are for.
Approximation : it's like an automatic enhanced DHCP protocol.

As Andrew says, it works for 99.9% of the users, and is recommended to
people who :
- don't know how to configure things, or
- don't want to configure manually, or
- don't care how things work

But of course, and contrary to my metaphor about TCP/IP, avahi/bonjour/zeroconf is NOT required when you know what you are doing and/or you
follow usual best practices.
It's an helper protocol, not a required one.
And as every protocol, you are tied to how the vendors implement them.

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