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Re: X11 should not run as root or?

On 2023-06-02 16:32 +0000, therealcyclist wrote:

> I tried the new Debian bookworm installer rc4 and i manually installed i3-wm.
> I started i3 from tty with startx command as user.
> to my surprise i found out that the xorg process is running as root.
> that can't be intentional, can it?

As long as there is a working kernel driver for all your graphics cards,
this is not intended.

> I have fixed the problem by adding the following line in /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
> needs_root_rights = no
> After that xorg runs as user.

That is rather strange.  The source of the wrapper program that decides
whether Xorg needs root rights has not been touched for many years[1].


1. https://salsa.debian.org/xorg-team/xserver/xorg-server/-/commits/debian-unstable/hw/xfree86/xorg-wrapper.c

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