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Re: Debian will not boot any more, wrong UUID

> that is easy to explain. The kernel is searching for a device with the
> special  UUID. As I changed the size of the partition with gparted,
> the UUID changed.
> Now the kernel says: This UUID is not existent, what is correct
> (kernel param:  root=UUID=MyUUIDXXXXX)
> I can not get the new UUID (blkid -l /dev/nvme0Pn6) , because no
> livesystem  does see any /dev/nvme. If I could, I could edit the
> kernel param and set the  correct UUID by hand. (as you know, in grub
> I can edit the boot parms).
> This is the problem.

So the problem is not the UUID, it's the lack of /dev/nvme*
[ E.g. using the "right" UUID wouldn't magically let you access that
  partition.  ]


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