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Re: trixie update/upgrade strangeness

On Wed, Oct 11, 2023, 9:49 PM Andy Smith <andy@strugglers.net> wrote:

On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 04:25:58PM -0500, Mark Copper wrote:
> suddenly, all files created on /dev/sda1 for the last 27 days have
> disappeared, even files I edited this morning before restarting. Like the
> clock was turned back a month. The disk, a new 18 TB, passed the test

This happened to a customer of mine once, and they asked me to look
into it. When I did I found that:

- they were using LVM
- they'd taken a snapshot of their root fs
- they were finding and mounting their root fs by fs UUID
- snapshot obviously had same fs UUID
- the kernel was finding the snapshot first at boot

Could anything like that be happening?


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Yes, something like that. I should have mentioned it wasn't just files disappearing but also files that had been moved were back in their previous location. This "snapshot" appears to have been taken at the time of my upgrade from bookworm to trixie. 

The whole system is behaving strangely so I had better save the data that remains. 

Thanks for responding. 

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