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Re: Default DNS lookup command?

On 22/10/2023 18:39, Richard Hector wrote:
But not strictly a DNS lookup tool:

richard@zircon:~$ getent hosts zircon       zircon.lan.walnut.gen.nz zircon

That's from my /etc/hosts file, and overrides DNS. I didn't see an option in the manpage to ignore /etc/hosts.

getent -s dns hosts zircon

However /etc/resolv.conf may point to local systemd-resolved server or to dnsmasq started by NetworkManager and they read /etc/hosts by default.

I haven't found a way to get just DNS results, without pulling in extra software.

Usual task for application is to resolve hostname and enough methods besides DNS may be used: multicast DNS, LLMNR, etc. If you need a debug tool then you should install it. On the other hand it is desperate when a feature is implemented, but not exposed to users.

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