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Re: Alternative to NetworkManager on Debian 12

On Wed, Nov 01, 2023 at 11:43:32AM +0100, Alessandro Baggi wrote:
> Hi list,
> I've read on an old email that many don't use NM for network configuration.
> I'm using it  because I replaced some CentOS installation with Debian 12.


I don't know how the actual numbers are. I'd guess that "desktop environment"
folks do have NM (my primary Debian "customer" is like that: they expect to
plug in their computer into an Ethernet and some widgit to appear up there).

More "down to the bolts" folks use ifupdown (I do). If I stick an Ethernet
cable into my laptop I want to be able to say "sudo ifup eth0". Likewise, I
do issue "sudo ifup wlan0" to connect to my configured wlan, which I do in

The latter can also be automated to a certain extent, of course.

Pick your style :-)


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