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Re: How to get VMware Player going on Debian 12 bookworm

On 2023-11-06 at 07:50, Marco M. wrote:

> Am 06.11.2023 um 06:52:39 Uhr schrieb Timothy M Butterworth:
>> VirtualBox is not available in any Debian Repo.
> It is available in sid, but not in stable.

And the reason it isn't available in testing is that there's no viable
way to provide security support for it in stable, and testing is
supposed to only contain things that are candidates to become part of
the next stable release. Once upon a time it was made available in each
new testing and then removed before the stable release (and that's how I
was running it, for a fairly long while), but I remember a discussion
which led to the decision that that was not an appropriate practice
given relevant policy.

I don't remember with confidence offhand exactly *why* it was decided
that it isn't viable to provide security support for VirtualBox in
stable. I remember it had something to do with how upstream provides
patches for security fixes, but I don't remember whether it was
"upstream doesn't provide split-out patches per fix, but only one
massive patch when they make a new VirtualBox release" or something more
to the effect of "the license upstream releases its code under does not
permit taking changes out separately like that".

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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