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Re: locate question

On Wed, Nov 08, 2023 at 11:45:30AM -0400, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
> On Tuesday 07 November 2023 11:32:21 am gene heskett wrote:
> > so locate isn't working as I think it should.
> > try find but it finds the whole my whole local net:
> > gene@coyote:~$ find .scad .  |wc -l
> > find: ‘.scad’: No such file or directory
> Try putting a * before the period in that find command?

No, it is more than that. The non-option arguments to find
are the starting points. So "find .scad" would look for
something (hopefully a directory, but in a pinch, a file
would do, see below) and find everything in there which
fulfills the search criteria.

Since those are empty, you would get a listing of .scad
and everything below it. If there's no .scad, the result
is empty.

Putting a * in front of it would get expanded *by the
shell* (not by find), as was discussed elsewhere in this
thread. Find would see the expanded result, so, if e.g.
you have foo.scad, bar.scad and baz.scad in your current
dir, the command actually run would be

  find foo.scad bar.scad baz.scad

which would, if those are plain files, just list those
three (something you can get far cheaper with ls).


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