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Re: systemd service oddness with openvpn

On 7/11/23 12:41, Richard Hector wrote:
Hi all,

I have a machine that runs as an openvpn server. It works fine; the VPN stays up.

However, after running for a while, I get these repeatedly in syslog:

I don't know if anyone's watching, but ...

It appears that this happens when logrotate restarts openvpn. I just have "systemctl restart openvpn-server@ovpn2" in my postrotate section in the logrotate config.

I've seen other people recommend using 'copytrucate' instead of restarting openvpn, and others suggesting that openvpn should be configured to log via syslog, or that it should just log to stdout, and init (systemd) can then capture it.

I'm not sure what's the best option here - and I still don't know why restarting it causes this failure.


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