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Re: what keyboard do you use?

On 3 Feb 2024 08:34 +0100, from mm@dorfdsl.de (Marco Moock):
>> I figure there's a high percentage of keyboard jockeys here so ..
>> which keyboard do you like and why?
> IBM Model M.
> They are still made by the company Unicomp, with PS/2, DIN or USB.

I was going to suggest that too, but OP in Feb 3 14:31 UTC dismissed
daskeyboard because loud isn't an option, so I guess that makes a
Model M an even worse choice.

Probably can't beat it for durability, though.

Whichever keyboard you go for, I do recommend to make sure that either
it's hermetically sealed (unlikely...) or that the keys are easily
removable and replaceable for cleaning. Because no matter how clean
you try to keep it, grime eventually does get in and start interfering
with the mechanism.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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