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Re: what keyboard do you use?

hw <hw@adminart.net> writes:

> On Sun, 2024-02-04 at 18:23 +0000, Michael Kjörling wrote:
>> On 4 Feb 2024 12:08 -0600, from n0nb@n0nb.us (Nate Bargmann):
>> > xmodmap trickery?  I am running GNOME on Wayland.
>> Or whatever the equivalent in Wayland (or GNOME) might be. Either way,
>> surely there must be _some_ way to map (sets of) keyboard scan codes
>> to symbols or actions, and that way is almost certainly reconfigurable
>> because otherwise everyone would be stuck with the exact same keyboard
>> layout, which would make for a rather poor internationalization/
>> localization experience.
> We are stuck with it :(  Last time I checked, KDE isn't any better.
> With xmodmap, I was able to adjust the layout as needed.  With
> wayland, I can't do that anymore and I'm stuck with an US layout ---
> which my keyboard fortunately physically has --- because some keys on
> German keyboards are so badly placed and configured that I need to be
> able to change the layout if want to use a German keyboard with a
> German layout.

Maybe I have misunderstood the problem, but I use Gnome with Wayland and
regularly switch between US and German layouts.  I just added the German
layout in the 'Keyboard' section of Gnome's Settings and switch with the
default shortcut of 'Super + space'.

> It's one of these basic things we shouldn't need to have any trouble
> at all with, and it really pisses me off.
> All the developers are proabably Americans and never come across this
> problem.  Why else won't they let us change the keyobard layout as we
> need to.

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