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Re: Mixing HDD and SSD in lvm

Kamil Jońca <kjonca@o2.pl> writes:

> Marco Moock <mm@dorfdsl.de> writes:
>> Am 06.02.2024 um 07:17:02 Uhr schrieb Kamil Jońca:
>>> Should I worry about anything (speed differences or sth)?
>> Speed differences will occur because reading and writing from/to the
>> SSD will be much faster.
> Of course, but can it make any data damage to lvm?
> I am asking because some time ago was a (different) story  about SMR
> drives whose can make problem when in RAID. And I am wondering if here I
> can similar problems.
> KJ

Maybe I was not precise:
1. now VG has two PV. Both are raid1 with two HDD.
2. I want to have VG with one PV as RAID1 with 2 HDD's and second PV as
RAID1 with 2SSD's

1. I do not want to mix HDD and SSD in one RAID.
2. I do not want to play with other RAID levels

I assume, that my motherboard will not have problems with SSD. (this is

My main concern is if speed differences between SSD and HDD in one lvm
can make any problems.


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