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Re: shred bug? [was: Unidentified subject!]

On Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 07:10:54PM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 04:05:21PM -0800, David Christensen wrote:
> > 2024-02-10 16:03:50 dpchrist@laalaa ~
> > $ shred -s 1K - | wc -c
> > shred: -: invalid file type
> > 0
> > 
> > 
> > It looks like a shred(1) needs a bug report.
> I'm confused what you expected this command to do.  You wanted to
> "destroy" (by overwriting with random data) a pipe to wc?  What
> would that even look like?

What Thomas was trying to do is to get a cheap, fast random number
generator. Shred seems to have such.

> The basic premise of shred is that it determines the size of the file,
> then writes data over it, rewinds it, and repeats this a few times.
> A pipe to a process has no size, and can't be rewound.

That's right: stdout is a (potentially) infinite file, so only one
pass (-n 1, as Thomas put in the command line) really makes sense.
Unless you are into transfinite numbers, that is :-)

> Declaring a pipe to be an "invalid file type" for shredding sounds
> pretty reasonable to me.

This is one of those cases of the toolmaker knowing better than the
tool user. One of the things I like UNIX is that this attitude isn't
that widespread (it is slowly spreading, alas). I much prefer those
tool makers who say "surprise me".

Of course, helping people to not shoot themselves in the foot is
also a honourable endeavour. So "you are trying to shred a pipe.
Use option -f for that (see the manual page" would be fully OK
in my book.

I don't like opinionated software. It's messy enough as it is
when people have opinions :-)


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