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Re: Commandline client to lookup MAC vendor

On Thu Mar 7, 2024 at 8:50 AM GMT, Ralph Aichinger wrote:
> Several packages in Debian can somehow (either by embedding it or
> querying it from some common database) display the MAC Vendor
> information of network adapters (derived from hardware addresses). 
> One example is nmap, that displays the device vendor when scanning.
> Is there some commandline tool doing this directly in Debian? I know
> that there are websites that offer this as a service, but sometimes a
> CLI is more convenient.
> Alternatively, and if this information is stored in some shared
> databases, can this be queried e.g. from a Pyhton script? If so, how?

The nmap-common package ships the DB that nmap queries in a plain text
format: /usr/share/nmap/nmap-mac-prefixes


    $ ip link show wlp0s20f3 | grep ether
        link/ether 90:09:df:ba:0c:cf brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    $ grep -i ^9009df /usr/share/nmap/nmap-mac-prefixes
    9009DF Intel Corporate


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👱🏻	Jonathan Dowland
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