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Re: Root password strength

On 20 Mar 2024 12:17 +0100, from tomas@tuxteam.de:
>>> For ssh use I issue secret keys to each user and maintain matching public
>>> keys in LDAP servers [...]
>> So the private keys aren't private, thereby invalidating a lot of
>> assumptions inherent in public key cryptography.
> We are using that schema in our (small) company, too. Private keys
> are definitely private here (we don't "issue keys" to anyone, everyone
> uploads their *public* keys to the LDAP).

Right; I have no issues with _that_ part. It's the _issuing_ of a
whole key pair that means that the private key _must_ have been
accessible to someone else at some point. In a scheme where the key
pair is generated by the user, the private key _may_ still be
accessible to others (for example through administrator access), but
that's a trade-off we always have to make when using a system
administered by someone else; and it can be mitigated by e.g. storing
the key on a SSH-capable Yubikey or in the TPM, along with a
decent-strength passphrase.

> Definitely. "Issuing keys" to people is a "crypto smell". I know,
> it is being done far too often. People are too stupid to make their
> key pairs, it is often said. But keeping people stupid is your
> biggest security hole!

Step 1: Open a terminal

Step 2: Run this command: ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/my_key_<date> ...

Step 3: Submit (through whatever means appropriate to the environment)
the contents of ~/.ssh/my_key_<date>.pub; do not ever, no matter what
anyone tells you, share the contents of ~/.ssh/my_key_<date>

Step 4: Update ~/.ssh/config to indicate IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my_key_<date>

It's not _that_ hard. I'm pretty sure pretty much anyone who can
meaningfully use SSH to start with can figure that out.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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