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Re: The Gordian Knot (was Re: Negative Summary of the Split Proposal)

On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 12:22:45AM -0400, Richard Stallman wrote:
> It's true that the GNU Project could set up its own Debian web site
> with a modified version of the web pages.  I don't want to do that,
> for a few reasons:
> * It would be less effective, since every time we say "We recommend
> Debian", people would be likely to forget whatever URL we give them,
> and just look for "the Debian web site".
> But what if there are two Debian home pages, given equal importance?
> If one of them refers to the non-free packages, and the other does
> not, we could each take our pick of which one to point to; but the
> existence of the former one would be substantial support for the
> non-free packages, and it would satisfy item 5 of the Social Contract.

Come, now, you're being disingenuous. You don't want to hand out the url
of a different web site because you think people will ignore it and use
the regular www.debian.org url, but you then suggest that people will
use the url to some secondary home page stuck somewhere on the regular
www server?

> Another solution would be to have only one home page, with just an
> obscure reference to the non-free packages.  If it is obscure enough,
> it won't be a problem.

Just about everyone here has agreed that this kind of solution isn't
going to happen. Whether the non-free packages sit on ftp.debian.org or
somestupidnewname.debian.org, we're going to document them on the web

Mike Stone

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